Where You Can Find Us ?

Reach us at any of our international offices.

Hong Kong Headquarters

04/05 The broadway Tower 54 Lockhart Road, Wanchai

T:+852 8192 6009
F:+852 8192 6009


Guangzhou Central Office

Agile Center, 31st Floor, 26 Huaxia Road, Zhujiang Newtown, 510627 Guangzhou, CHINA

T:+86 20 22 32 05 21
F:+86 20 22 32 05 21


South America

Av. Presidente Juscelino Kubitscheck , 2041 04543-011 São Paulo - SP

T:+11 98179 7404
F:+11 98179 7404


United States

8 The Green STE R, Dover, Delaware 19901

T:+1 606 530 0600
F:+1 606 530 0600



5 rue Jules Lefebvre Paris, France, 75009

T:+33 1 47 65 99 74
F:+33 1 47 65 99 74


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